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7 Best Real Estate Lead Generation Tips for Agents & Home Builders

By: Rob Shapiro

September 06, 2024

Lead generation is always tricky and time-consuming, but real estate lead generation can be especially challenging since real estate is a highly competitive industry. 

Agents must generate a high number of real estate leads every month to turn a mere few into clients. With a large number of real estate agents chasing this limited pool of prospects, getting a consistent flow of real estate leads might seem unlikely.

The good news is that you’re just one solid strategy away from flipping the script. In this guide, we’ll show you how to generate real estate leads consistently and how to prevent real estate leads from slipping through the cracks.

Together, we’ll turn your real estate lead generation strategies into a well-oiled machine to boost your business.     

What is Real Estate Lead Generation?

Real estate lead generation is a set of activities or strategies designed to attract, convince and convert prospects into clients. 

However, with the right strategy in place, this process can generate a full pipeline of real estate leads and help you hit sales targets consistently.

The most important steps in real estate lead generation include:

  1.   Identifying your target audience  
  2.   Creating compelling offers or content
  3.   Utilizing online and offline marketing channels
  4.   Capturing contact information through forms  
  5.   Nurturing leads with follow-up
  6.   Converting leads into clients

Effective real estate lead generation benefits your business in many ways, including:

  • Increase brand awareness and online visibility  
  • Increase your market saturation and sales opportunities 
  • Create a consistent stream of qualified real estate leads   
  • Provide strong returns on your marketing investment 
  • Produce better client relationships  
  • Result in consistent business growth  

Mastering real estate lead generation means keeping your pipeline full and your business thriving. It's the foundation for sustainable growth in real estate. 

With an effective strategy, you spend less time chasing cold prospects, lower your marketing costs and build a more substantial brand presence. 



7 Insightful Tips for Real Estate Lead Generation 

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to generating leads in real estate. Different channels work for different agents and builders; what clicks for one might not work for another. 

That’s why we’ll explore several strategies in this section to help you assemble a robust lead generation toolkit. With these strategies, you’ll be able to reach potential clients wherever they prefer to engage.

Tip #1: Supercharge Your Online Visibility with Google Ads for Real Estate

Google Ads puts your real estate business at the top of search engine results (SERPs), making it highly visible to people searching online for agents, homes or builders. This strategy is a fast and targeted approach to driving online traffic and real estate leads to your website or landing pages.

Google Ads for real estate. Home for sale in Manhattan, NY

Use these tips to boost the success rate of your Google Ads for real estate:

  • Focus on the most relevant keywords: Use keywords that are specific to your market and filter out irrelevant traffic by excluding related search terms that are not directly aligned with your services like “mobile homes for sale.”
  • Explore ad extensions: Ad extensions allow you to include extra info in your ads, such as site links, call buttons and location details, to boost your click-through rates.
  • Build custom audiences: Focus on the audience you want by including specific targets for location, income levels or interests like “luxury homes” or “real estate investments”.
  • Create hyper-local campaigns: Target specific neighborhoods or ZIP codes where you have active listings or projects or want to build a presence.
  • A/B test your ads: Continuously test different headlines, descriptions, calls-to-action and ad schedules to find what resonates best with your audience.
  • Retarget your website visitors: Display your ads to visitors who haven't converted to stay top-of-mind as they visit other websites. Retargeting will draw potential real estate leads back to your website to complete a task like submitting a form.

Apply these strategies to turn Google Ads into a consistent, high-performing real estate lead generation tool for your business.

Tip #2: Build a User-Friendly Website for Real Estate Agents

Your website is the glue that binds your real estate lead generation efforts together. It's usually the first port of call for prospects who look up your business and serve a critical role at various stages of your customer journey. 

A well-designed website for real estate agents can be your crucial distinguisher in a competitive real estate market. It’s where you showcase your expertise, communicate your unique value and build trust with visitors before they contact you to discuss your services.

Here are some tips for using websites for real estate agents effectively:

  • Add important landing pages: Create a real estate landing page for each listing to highlight its features and appeal and to capture lead data. A real estate landing page can be part of your website or a separate standalone page.
  • Niche down your content: Tailor your content to specific markets and audiences such as luxury homes, eco-friendly builds, downsizers or first-time homebuyers. A broad approach to content will not deliver the results you want.
  • Optimize your website: Implementing search engine optimization (SEO) increases your visibility to relevant audiences. It’s the best way to grow your organic traffic and get more leads (without paying Google to generate leads through ads). 
  • Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs): Use CTAs to guide visitors to the next phase in their customer journey. Whether it’s about scheduling a consultation, downloading a brochure or signing up for a newsletter, every page should have a clear and compelling CTA to keep visitors moving through the sales funnel. 

A well-crafted real estate website should align with your brand's goal of making a positive impression on potential leads. Use the right layout and content, apply outstanding visuals and optimize your pages for better search engine performance.

Tip #3: Optimize Landing Pages & SEO for Real Estate           

A HubSpot study shows that high-quality landing pages can help businesses generate 55% more leads.

Landing pages for real estate play a huge role in attracting the right potential leads to a website. A well-designed landing page can convert a visitor into a quality lead if done correctly. 

A landing page is a web page that collects your visitors’ information, often in exchange for incentives like free consultations, educational resources, etc. Landing pages for real estate should be simple, offer only pertinent information and listings and focus solely on conversion. 

Here are tips to help you utilize real estate landing pages:

  • Create multiple landing pages: Real estate landing pages are among the most effective ways for realtors and builders to highlight specific listings or projects to attract more leads. Create separate pages for each listing or new construction development and ensure that these pages are easy to navigate and feature no unnecessary information.
  • Use a CRM for real estate to segment and nurture leads: A CRM for real estate platform offers tools for managing leads captured from your landing pages. You can automate messaging and segmentation and draft personalized emails to nurture your leads based on the specific landing pages. A CRM also facilitates follow-ups, allowing you to engage real estate leads to help them progress through the sales funnel more effectively.
  • Clear CTAs: Tell visitors exactly what to do when they land on your page. Whether they sign up for more information or fill out a contact form, your CTAs should compel them to take action.

Combining targeted real estate landing pages with a robust SEO strategy enhances the potency of your real estate lead generation campaigns, setting the stage for long-term success.

Tip #4: Make the Most Out of Video Marketing for Real Estate 

Video content has become a potent marketing asset in recent years. Short video formats are becoming more popular across multiple platforms so real estate businesses can make the most of video marketing.

Video marketing for real estate. A virtual tour on a phone that's on layouts of a home.

In real estate, virtual property tours, commercial videos, testimonials and 3D property listings are some of the most common ways to attract real estate leads. This allows you to bring your properties to life, showing off spaces in a way photos can’t match.

Here are a few ideas to help you make the most of video marketing:

  • Use different formats: Start with virtual tours or walk-throughs of properties, which let buyers experience the space without visiting. Include short, engaging videos to introduce yourself and add a personal touch. Share video testimonials of clients, highlighting your successes and milestones over the past year. 
  • Host live sessions: Use webinars, podcasts and Q&A sessions to answer common questions about the buying process or the market(s) you’re serving.
  • Explore video platforms: Instagram, TikTok and YouTube can help you cast a wider net. Tap into the massive user base on these platforms to boost your brand’s visibility.

In an industry that relies heavily on visuals and live experience, video marketing for real estate is a vital component of lead generation. From property tours to client testimonials and live sessions, you can use videos to engage potential buyers, build trust and showcase your unique offerings in a way that static images and text simply can’t. 

Tip #5: Run Drip Campaigns for Real Estate

Drip campaigns are pre-written messages delivered to potential leads over time. They are like a friendly chat that keeps going, reminding potential clients about your real estate business while guiding them closer to conversion.

drip campaigns for real estate. A stat on a yellow background. 90% of consumers are more likely to buy from companies that remember them.

Here are some tips to help boost the effectiveness of your drip campaigns for real estate:

  • Set clear objectives: Establish your goals for each stage of your drip campaign. Do you want to educate real estate leads, book appointments or nurture leads toward a decision? Clear goals will help you structure your messages effectively.
  • Segment your audience: Think of your contact list as a list of different groups of people. Some might be first-time buyers, others seasoned investors. Segment them accordingly so you can discuss what matters most to each group.
  • Personalize your messages: Personalization makes your communication feel less like a generic sales pitch. Use your leads’ names and bring up details relevant to their interests to turn your generic message into a personal touchpoint.
  • Automate wisely: You can generally automate your drip campaigns, making the process smoother, easier and less time-consuming.               
  • Analyze and optimize: Regularly check the performance of your drip campaigns, focusing on key metrics like open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates. Use your findings to refine your content, adjust your timing and improve overall effectiveness.

Drip campaigns keep your real estate leads engaged and move them closer to making a decision, ultimately resulting in more conversions for your business.

Tip #6: Build a Community on Social Media 

Social media can be a game changer in real estate lead generation. It lets you connect with real estate leads and build a vibrant community. With billions of users across platforms, social media offers outstanding opportunities to drive engagement and generate real estate leads. 

social media for real estate. Different social media posts from real estate agents

To make the most of social media:

  • Stay active: Post regularly, whether about property listings, neighborhood news or industry tips. Respond to comments, questions and messages on your posts.
  • Use targeted ads: You can improve your engagement and conversion rates by targeting individuals based on specific demographics, such as age groups, locations, intent to buy or interests.
  • Partner with influencers: Collaborate with local influencers to expand your reach and tap into their follower base. Influencer marketing also helps build trust and credibility through third-party endorsements.
  • Network with local businesses: Engage with local businesses and services that complement real estate, like home insurance agencies or mortgage brokers. Cross-promotions can benefit everyone involved and expand your network locally.

Tip #7:  Utilize Email Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Email marketing, or newsletters, give you a chance to forge deeper connections with your real estate lead. By sharing relevant content, you can turn your newsletter into a must-read and keep your audience eager to hear from you.   

email marketing for real estate. A person holds a cut-out of a piece of mail in front of their laptop.

Two tips to remember when using email marketing for real estate leads:

  • Deliver value: A newsletter must feel like a personal note from you, packed with insights your clients can use. Whether it’s a hot listing, an upcoming new construction project, insider tips or updates on the local real estate market, make it interesting and informative.
  • Exchanging information builds a community: Don’t just send knowledge; start conversations. Encourage your readers to respond with questions or direct them to your landing pages for more detailed information.

Crafting thoughtful, engaging emails helps keep customers in the loop and makes them feel like part of your community. At the same time, you provide value that cements your status as your market’s go-to real estate professional.

Ready to Generate Real Estate Leads for Your Business? 

You now have all the tools to be a more effective real estate lead generator. Real estate lead generation requires a constant effort to take your business to the next level. As always, stay current with lead generation strategies and build strong relationships. 

From creating a website landing page to running targeted Google ads and engaging with potential customers on social media, your approach should be personal and consistent. Implement the above strategies to stay ahead in a competitive real estate market. 



What are the most effective online platforms for real estate lead generation?    

The most effective platforms are Google Ads for targeted paid search traffic, Google for organic leads and Facebook, TikTok and Instagram for social media engagement. These platforms provide robust opportunities to reach and engage specific audiences.

What are the best types of content for real estate lead generation?   

The best types of content for engaging and converting your real estate leads include property listings with high-quality images, video tours, blog posts on local market trends, client testimonials, neighborhood guides and informative eBooks for buyers and sellers. Interactive content like mortgage calculators can also help engage potential real estate leads and encourage them to take the next step.

How do I track and measure the success of my real estate lead generation campaigns?    

Web analytics tools like Google Analytics allow you to monitor key performance metrics like traffic, conversion rates and user behavior. CRM for real estate can help you track lead sources and measure the effectiveness of your follow-up strategies.