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How to Use Google Ads for Real Estate Lead Generation

By: Rob Shapiro

October 02, 2024

The real estate industry has undergone many changes over the years. 97% of first-time house buyers now use the internet to search for their next property. This was not the case twenty or even ten years ago. 

With potential buyers and sellers turning to Google to find an agent and browse listings, it’s essential to use the sponsored ad space to connect with those in your market. But how can you make the most of it as an agent and generate quality real estate leads? 

While Google Ads has become a common marketing practice for other industries, agents need to get on board to attract real estate leads who are ready to buy. 

Read further to understand the best ways you can use Google Ads for real estate.  


A Google Ads for real estate Reporting Screen. It displays analytics like "Clicks", "Conversions", Cost / Conv" and "Cost"


What Are Google Ads for Real Estate?

Before you launch your first campaign, let’s understand what Google Ads for real estate mean. 

Google handles 92% of global searches, and 55% of people click on ads. This justifies why Google Ads are the most effective way of generating real estate leads. 

Google Ads for real estate leads is pay-per-click advertising that lets you reach prospective buyers and sellers by displaying ads at the top paid portion of Google search listings. 

Google Ads for Real Estate. Google Ad for "homes in Austin"

Your Google Ads can appear at the top of search results when someone searches for homes using keywords like "homes in austin”, or “homes for sale in Austin”. Your ads can match with keywords in a search query, putting your listings front and center. Using local keywords can help your ads reach the right people at the right time.

The best part is that you’ll only incur costs when there is a click. 

How Can Google Ads Generate Real Estate Leads?

Let’s look into how Google Ads for real estate can generate leads for your business.

  • Effective Targeting

When you use Google Ads for real estate, you can reach your target audience as accurately as possible. You can adjust your ads based on geographical region, age, intent and income. This means your ads will only be displayed to individuals actively searching for homes for sale in your market or even a specific type of home. 

  • Better Conversion Rates

Real estate leads generated from Google Ads have higher chances of conversion as the ad will be shown to users who have shown an interest in your services, market and properties.

Companies that use Google Ads tend to convert their traffic 50 times more compared to regular traffic.

  • Instant Visibility

Unlike search engine optimization (SEO), which takes months or even years to produce results in the form of positioning on a search engine ranking, Google Ads provides instant visibility, putting your listings at the top of search results immediately after launching the campaign. 

Quick exposure is essential, as correct timing can influence success in competitive markets. 

  • Measurable Performance

One of the benefits of Google Ads for real estate agents is the ability to track your ad campaign’s performance in real-time. Metrics like clicks, impressions, and lead form submissions give you valuable insights to optimize your strategy and generate more real estate leads. 

The more you understand how your ads perform, the better your ads get, and the more results your real estate lead generation efforts deliver. 

  • Brand Awareness

Users who don’t click on your ad still see your business name and services, building brand recognition over time. Even more real estate leads will potentially recall your agency the next time they want to buy a property, improving your brand’s recognition in the long run.

Generating Real Estate Leads with Google Ads - Step-by-Step Guide (With Examples)

Now that you understand how Google Ads works, create an account for your real estate business with these steps:

  • Create Your Google Account

If you don’t already have one, create a Google account dedicated to managing your ad campaigns. This will allow you to concentrate on your campaigns more easily and efficiently because personal emails will not be mixed up with campaign communications.

Example: If you are a real estate agent in Miami, set up an account for “Miami Real Estate Leads.” This will organize all your campaign communications.

  • Add Relevant Information

Now that your account is ready, you will be asked for information related to your business. Follow the prompts and remember that the more details you add the better. 

You will be asked to include a website URL in your campaigns for redirections. It is advisable to connect a real estate landing page to your ads to capture lead data.

Define Objective & Target Audience

Before launching a Google Ads campaign, you must define your objective. Whether your goal is to generate real estate leads or drive traffic to a specific property listing, having a well-defined purpose will help focus your ad strategy. The objective of your campaign will help you connect with the right kind of leads.

Also, when you are listing properties with Google Ads, it allows you to filter the target audience using demographics like location, age, income level, and intent to reach the most relevant users.

Example: If you want to sell luxury homes, your target audience might be high-income individuals in specific neighborhoods or ZIP codes.

  • Choose Relevant Keywords

Google will recommend a basic keyword theme based on your website, but you can also develop your own. For real estate, keywords like “homes for sale in [your area]” is typically an effective choice. It’s recommended to use only 10 to 15 keywords per ad group.

Keywords for homes for sale in Manhattan, NY. Google Ads for real estate

Use Google’s Keyword Planner to find the best keywords for your real estate business. Also, include negative keywords so your ads don’t appear for users searching for mobile homes in your area.

Example: A real estate agent in New York could use keywords like “buy luxury apartments in Manhattan” or “new homes in Brooklyn”.

  • Write Clear and Compelling Google Ad Copy

Your Google ad copy should be short, urgent, and convincing so that users find precisely what they are looking for.

Example: If your target audience is first-time homebuyers in Austin, your Google Ad could read, “Find Your Dream Home in Austin Today!” This ad should grab not just any user’s attention but one with the right intent. 

  • Finalize Budget and Bid Strategy

As a beginner, you must understand Google Ads' bidding and budget requirements. You can set a weekly or monthly budget and choose between manual and automated bid strategies. Many realtors use CPC (cost-per-click) bidding, ensuring you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Example: If you set a daily budget of $300 to promote your listings in downtown Austin, your cost per click will depend on the bidding strategy and the competitiveness of your keywords. 

Your cost-per-click can fluctuate based on competition and ad performance.

Read this article to learn how much you should spend on online leads or watch this video where Eric breaks it down:


Use A/B Testing and High-Quality Visuals

Use A/B testing for your Google Ads for real estate to establish which version will appeal more to your target audience. Experiment with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action. 

High-quality images are essential for display ads. Simple, attractive images help create engaging ads, especially in the real estate market, where property images are central to generating and eventually converting real estate leads.

Choose a Suitable Google Ads Type 

Google offers different types of ads: 

  • Search ads
  • Display ads
  • Video ads 

For real estate, search ads are popular for their ability to catch the attention of potential home buyers looking for listings, while display ads help in branding yourself as the go-to agent in your market. 

Complete and Launch Your Google Ads Campaign

Set your target location, budget, and campaign duration. Google will give you a preview of the ad that will run. If you approve how it looks, place the ad and wait for Google to review. This process typically takes around 24 hours before your ad goes live.

Paid vs. Organic Advertising: Which is Better for Real Estate Lead Generation

There's no doubt that paid advertising and organic traffic are critical for effective real estate lead generation. 

Paid advertising offers a fast way to reach targeted audiences, while organic methods focus on long-term engagement and credibility. It’s not about choosing one over the other but finding the right balance for your business.

According to Google Ads Statistics, businesses typically earn $2 for every $1 spent on Google Ads, making it an effective option for quick real estate lead generation.

However, organic lead generation methods like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media, and content marketing tend to be cheaper, or even free, but take longer to generate real estate leads and instill credibility over time. 

Here’s a quick comparison:


Paid Advertising

Organic Lead Generation


Pay-per-click for a fast ROI

There is no direct cost, but it requires time and effort


Immediate and allows targeting a specific set of people

It is slower but builds over time with consistent effort.

Results Timeline

Instant, good for short-term goals and sales boost

Long-term but offers lasting value


It may seem less authentic since it’s paid

It builds trust and authority with genuine content

Tracking & Analytics

Detailed insights and easy tracking of ad performance

It is more challenging to measure ROI directly, but it is effective over time, especially with content marketing

Tips for Generating High-Quality Real Estate Leads with Google Ads

You now have a detailed step-by-step guide for Google Ads for real estate. Here are some more tips for effectively generating high-quality real estate leads via Google Ads:

  • Make Your Ad Relevant

Your ads should match your audience's specific searches. For example, if someone searches for "new condos in Miami," your ad should include that phrase. Avoid clever or vague headlines. Relevance is critical to getting clicks.

  • Track Conversions

Running a campaign without measuring its efficiency is fruitless, so set goals for every new ad you create. Set up conversion tracking to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) like clicks, leads, and sign-ups. 

Without this data, knowing which ads are working and where to improve is nearly impossible. This can help you generate high-quality real estate leads.

  • Pair Your Google Ads with a Landing Page for Real Estate Agents

Lead capturing is among the trickiest parts of generating high-quality real estate leads. Your ads should be created to direct potential customers to your landing page. These standalone pages must align with your ad messaging to tell users that they arrived at the correct page. The landing page must also include a simple form to capture a lead’s contact informattion.

Take note of the following when pairing your Google ads with a landing page:

  • Make sure the landing page matches your ad. For example, if your ad is for “new construction homes in Boston,” your landing page should feature the relevant copy, images and information right at the top so a user will immediately see it.
  • Include a lead capture form with fields like full name, email, and phone number. Don’t ask for information you don’t need.
  • Include a clear CTA, such as “Contact Us Today” or “Register for Exclusive Offerings and Incentives”.

Example: If your ad promotes “new property for sale in Texas,” your landing page should showcase your Texas property listings with beautiful photos and a CTA like “Schedule a Home Tour Today.”

  • Use High-Converting Keywords

Using the right keywords is essential. If your ads aren’t getting traffic, ineffective keywords might be the culprit.   

Use local keywords to connect with buyers and sellers in your market. The last thing you want is for out-of-market buyers with no interest in your properties to see or click your ad. 

Remember to utilize negative keywords. This will filter out irrelevant traffic and focus your Google Ads on connecting with high-quality leads. Banning terms that don't align with your services (“mobile homes for sale’) will make it easy for your ads to appear to potential buyers who are genuinely interested.

For example, if you're selling "luxury beachfront homes in miami” you should use negative keywords like "cheap homes" or "affordable property for sale" to avoid getting clicks from users looking for budget properties.

How to Nurture Real Estate Leads

Once you start generating real estate leads through Google Ads, the next step is to nurture them through various strategies. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Personalized Follow-Ups

You should immediately follow up with a lead in a personalized way. Emails with a video introduction or a phone call can engage your real estate leads. Add a touch of personalization to your lead nurturing strategy to maximize results.

  • Drip Campaigns for Real Estate

Set up automated email drip campaigns to keep your real estate leads engaged. Track KPIs like open rates and click-through rates to improve your nurturing and outreach efforts.

  • Add Value with Content for Real Estate

75% of homebuyers start their search online, so offering valuable content can help separate you from the crowded market. Your content should focus on building relationships, not pushing sales. Share valuable market information and real estate tips with your leads to keep them interested.

Post content like neighborhood guides or market updates that provide insights on pricing trends and inventory. Home buying/selling tips, virtual tours, and client success stories are other ideas to display your expertise and keep the potential buyer engaged.

  • Develop a Social Media Presence

With 91% of U.S. realtors on social media, platforms like Facebook, TikTok and Instagram are essential for real estate lead generation and nurturing. Post engaging content like home tours and client success stories to drive leads.

Social media for real estate. An Instagram account for a realtor.

  • Offer Quick Follow-Ups and Create a Strong Lead Magnet

82% of buyers expect to get a response within ten minutes. Respond promptly via text, phone or email to connect with and nurture leads. Also, note that lead magnets like guides and checklists have a high conversion rate and can help generate and nurture real estate leads.

A lead magnet is a resource offered in exchange for a user's contact details when they visit your landing page. It could be a guide or eBook that provides helpful information and engages them with your services.

Generate More Real Estate Leads with Google Ads for Real Estate

Google ads for real estate agents can significantly boost your revenue by offering precise targeting, measurable results, and cost-effective lead generation. 

Following the steps provided in this guide can bring the right real estate leads to your landing pages and compel them to submit a form. If you haven’t used Google Ads for real estate lead generation, start today and watch your business grow.

If you're ready to dominate your market, consider partnering with Agent Launch, a digital marketing agency specializing in real estate and new construction that manages millions of dollars in Google Ad spending, among other services, for clients across the globe. 


  • Which is more effective, Google Ads or Organic SEO for real estate?

With Google Ads, results come quickly, while SEO builds visibility over a more extended period. Hence, the best approach is to use both methods. Google Ads costs money, whereas SEO is free if you do it yourself.

  • What strategies can be used to increase conversions from Google Ads?

  • Craft succinct and compelling ad copy with a clear call-to-action
  • Add local keywords to target a specific audience and boost relevance
  • Use high-quality images to make ads visually appealing and attract more clicks
  • Ensure landing pages are engaging and relevant


    What is the basic formula for picking the right keywords for Google Ads

Focus on local, specific keywords like "homes for sale in [your city]" to attract serious buyers looking in your area. Also, perform proper keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner and Semrush.

  • Can you advertise to a specific demographic using Google Ads?

Google Ads lets you target based on location, age, income, intent, and certain lifestyle factors. Including phrases such as “first-time homebuyers” and “luxury homes” can connect you to relevant real estate leads in your area.

  • How much should be spent on Google Ads?

Budgets will vary based on market and keywords, but for the best results you need to make a solid investment. Depending on the market, you should consider starting with a $1500 per month budget and adjusting based on performance and results. Google Ads lets you control costs by setting daily limits. More competitive markets, like Manhattan, should use a higher initial budget.