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Is It Taking You Too Long to Convert Real Estate Leads?

By: Rob Shapiro

August 13, 2024


Converting real estate leads into clients can feel like a gruelling, never-ending marathon where the finishing line isn't even within sight. But, it doesn't have to feel that way. There are tactics you can use to reduce the time it takes to convert real estate leads.

How Long Does it Take to Convert Real Estate Leads? 

Real estate is a sales business with a low conversion rate. It’s frustrating but true. You need a full pipeline of real estate leads, often hundreds, to close a few sales. But those few sales can make your year and transform your business.

To generate real estate leads effectively, leveraging existing databases and using targeted outreach methods is crucial. 

Average Time to Convert Leads

According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, the average conversion time for real estate leads is about 6 to 18 months.

  • However, the time it takes to convert a real estate lead into a client varies based on several factors.

Factors Affecting Real Estate Lead Conversion Times

The four major factors affecting how long it takes to convert a real estate lead include:

  1. Lead Quality: Not all leads are created equal. Some leads are ready to buy or sell immediately, while others may just be starting their property search or considering their options.

  2. Follow-Up Speed: The speed at which you follow up with a lead is crucial. Research shows that responding within the first five minutes of receiving a lead increases the chances of conversion by 100 times.

  3. Engagement Strategies: Consistent and personalized engagement can significantly reduce conversion times. Automated email campaigns, regular follow-up calls, and personalized messages can keep real estate leads warm and move them through the sales funnel more quickly.

  4. Tools and Technology: Using advanced tools and technology, such as a real estate CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and optimizing your Google Ads for real estate for lead quality, agents can streamline the lead nurturing process and improve conversion rates.

6 Strategies to Speed Up Lead Conversion

1. Leverage Real Estate CRM Systems

A high-quality real estate CRM is a game-changer for generating and converting real estate leads. The best real estate CRM systems offer features such as automated follow-ups, personalized communication and detailed lead tracking. These systems can help you stay organized and ensure that no lead falls through the cracks.

Key Features of an Effective Real Estate CRM:

  • Automated Follow-Ups: Automatically send follow-up emails and messages to leads at scheduled intervals.

  • Lead Segmentation: Categorize leads based on their stage in the buying process, preferences and behavior.

  • Personalization: Use data to personalize communication and offer tailored property suggestions.

  • Task Management: Keep track of tasks and appointments to ensure timely follow-ups.

2. Utilize Google Ads for Real Estate

Improving the quality of your real estate leads is a smart way to cut down on nurturing time and increase conversion. By setting up a Google ads account, you can manage your campaigns, ad groups and billing effectively, which is crucial for optimizing your paid advertising strategy.

Three google Ads for real estate agents.

Google Ads for real estate agents is an effective way to generate high-quality leads. By targeting specific keywords and demographics, you can attract potential buyers and sellers who are actively searching for real estate services.

Tips for Effective Google Ads Campaigns:

  • Keyword Targeting: Choosing keywords that will target the real estate leads you want makes conversion easier. Focus on location keywords and keywords with intent. Popular real estate search terms to consider include, "best real estate agent" and “homes for sale” in your market.

  • Google Ads Campaign: Setting up a Google Ads campaign with strategic keyword selection and a healthy pay-per-click budget can provide immediate visibility in search results. Measure the campaign's success and optimize regularly to increase its effectiveness.

  • Ad Copy: Write compelling ad copy that highlights your unique value proposition and includes a clear call to action. Don’t forget to use Google Ad extensions to make your ads more dynamic and increase their conversion.

  • Landing Pages: Ensure your landing pages are optimized for conversion with a clear message, easy navigation and a contact form that captures the data (phone number, email, location) you need to follow up.

  • Retargeting: Use retargeting campaigns to re-engage visitors who have shown interest in your services but haven’t yet converted. With retargeting, your ads will follow users who visited your website but left without completing an action around other websites, encouraging them to return. 

3. Speed Up Your Follow-Up Process

As mentioned earlier, speed is crucial in lead follow-up. Implementing a system to ensure rapid responses can significantly improve your conversion rates.

Strategies for Faster Follow-Ups:

  • Immediate Response: Use automated systems to send an immediate acknowledgment email or text message to new leads.

  • Multichannel Approach: Follow up through multiple channels such as email, phone calls and text messages to effectively engage with potential clients.

  • Follow-Up Schedule: Create a structured follow-up schedule to maintain consistent communication without overwhelming the lead.

4. Nurture Leads with Valuable Content

Providing valuable content to your real estate leads can help build trust and keep them engaged. Share market insights, buying/selling tips and property listings (based on their search behaviour on your sites) to demonstrate your expertise and keep your leads informed.

Content Ideas for Lead Nurturing:

  • Market Reports: Regularly update leads on the latest market trends and data.

  • Educational Articles: Write articles that offer advice on buying and selling real estate.

  • Property Listings: Send personalized property listings that match the lead’s preferences.

  • Video Content: Create videos showcasing properties, market updates, client testimonials and, of course, your personality.

  • Social Media Ads: Utilize social media ads to target specific demographics, driving traffic to your website and increasing the likelihood of attracting potential buyers or sellers.

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5. Optimize Your Website for Lead Generation

Your website is a critical tool for generating and converting real estate leads. Ensure it is optimized to capture and convert leads effectively.

Website Optimization Tips:

  • Lead Capture Forms: Place lead capture forms prominently on your website and landing pages and offer valuable incentives (a helpful guide or exclusive offer) for filling them out to increase website traffic.

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  • Clear Navigation: Ensure your website is easy to navigate with clear calls to action on each page.

  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimize your website for mobile devices to ensure a seamless experience for all users.

  • Fast Loading Speed: Improve your website’s loading speed to prevent potential leads from leaving due to slow performance.

6. Track and Analyze Your Performance

Many real estate professionals understand that regularly tracking and analyzing your lead conversion performance can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your strategies.

Metrics to Monitor:

  • Lead Response Time: Measure the average time it takes to respond to new leads.

  • Conversion Rate: Track the percentage of real estate leads that convert into clients.

  • Engagement Rate: Monitor how frequently leads engage with your emails, calls and content.

  • Source of Leads: Analyze which channels (e.g., Google Ads, social media, referrals) generate the most high-quality leads.

Convert More with Less Frustration

Converting leads into clients doesn’t have to be a lengthy and frustrating process. By leveraging advanced tools such as the best real estate CRM systems, optimizing your Google Ads for real estate and implementing efficient follow-up strategies, you can significantly reduce conversion times and increase your success rate. Remember, the key is to stay organized, responsive and consistent in your efforts.

By focusing on these strategies and continuously optimizing your approach, you can overcome the challenges of converting real estate leads and build a thriving real estate business.


How long should it take to convert a real estate lead? 

Most real estate agents need about 6 to 18 months to convert a real estate lead. This varies based on lead quality, nurturing methods and other factors in addition to how well a realtor utilizes their CRM. 

Can Google Ads help convert real estate leads faster?

Optimized Google Ads can produce targeted leads that require less nurturing. By properly setting up your Google Ads campaigns and targeting the right audiences, your ads can appear to qualified leads.  

What's a good lead conversation rate in real estate?

Most real estate agents have a conversion rate of 3-5%. Conversion rates vary based on the lead quality, the realtor's follow-up and nurture strategy and their ability to close among other factors.

How to convert leads in real estate?

Some ways that an agent can convert real estate leads are to follow up immediately, put in extra effort during the first 10 days, create a helpful lead magnet (a free item or service that is offered in exchange for contact details) and use video drip campaigns to keep them engaged.

How to increase your lead conversion rate?

To increase your conversion rate, try focusing on nurturing your leads, increasing your standard to qualify real estate leads and integrating a CRM into your website or landing pages to manage workflow and real estate lead generation.

Do real estate agents need to use a CRM?

Every realtor should use a CRM to manage their communications and relationships with real estate leads and clients. Some of the best CRMs in real estate are Sierra Interactive, Real Geeks, Lofty/Chime and Follow Up Boss.