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How to Be a New Construction Realtor

By: Rob Shapiro

September 10, 2024

The U.S. real estate industry is booming, with projections showing a 3.34% growth and it’s estimated to hit $155.6 trillion by 2029. If you are a new construction realtor, you play a key role in fueling this growth. 

New construction is a highly sought-after niche due to its consistent sales, incentives and lucrative fees. Becoming a successful new construction realtor, however, involves more than just possessing a real estate license and basic sales skills. It requires knowledge and a proven strategy for real estate lead generation. 

This article will explore how to excel as a new construction realtor by partnering effectively with home builders and marketing new construction homes in a way that produces sales.

Who is a New Construction Realtor?

A new construction realtor is a real estate agent focused on selling new construction homes. Unlike conventional realtors, who may deal with resale homes, you expedite the sales of homes that are often still under construction. 

A new construction realtor holding documents with her two clients, a man and a woman, behind her.

This role is crucial as it bridges the builder and the homebuyer and combines real estate knowledge with an understanding of construction processes.



Duties of a New Construction Realtor

Your duties as a new construction realtor include the following:

  • Selling New Construction Homes: You market homes that are still in development and ensure potential buyers can visualize the finished product and themselves in it. The trick is to sell the lifestyle of the neighborhood and area. 
  • Assisting in Arranging Financing: You help buyers secure the necessary financing to purchase these new construction projects.
  • Negotiating: As a new construction realtor, you must negotiate terms, including the sale price, that appeal to both the builder and the homebuyer.
  • Setting Practical Expectations: You help buyers understand the realities surrounding new construction properties. This can be tricky since there is no home to show and even the neighborhood might still be in development. 

    A new construction home.

The Essential Skills to Become a New Construction Realtor

Some essential skills that will make you a successful new construction realtor are:

  • Collaboration and Communication Skills: Communication with builders, buyers, and other stakeholders is crucial to creating opportunities and for smooth transactions.
  • Business Development: A new construction realtor must cultivate long-term relationships with builders and secure new and repeat business in a competitive market(s).
  • Financial Acumen: Understanding market pricing, trends, and mortgage rates for new construction homes will help you close more deals.

How to Become a New Construction Realtor

Any real estate agent can sell new construction.

If you plan on becoming a new construction realtor, focus on education, licensing, and gaining specialized experience in new construction. Then, you can move on to real estate lead generation and develop relationships with reputable home builders.

Let's understand the process step-by-step:

Step 1: Education

One option is to earn a bachelor's degree in a relevant real estate program. You can pursue a diploma or degree in business, construction, real estate, or any other relevant program that helps develop business and management skills.

For instance, studying construction management means learning about the construction process, which will give you an edge when dealing with new construction projects and builders and developers.

Step 2: Licensing

Acquire a real estate license by completing the required education, passing an examination, and meeting state-specific requirements.

The licensing requirements differ from state to state, so you must find out what is required where you wish to practice. For example, 180 hours of coursework in Texas will be necessary before any examination.

Step 3: Concentrate on Continued Education

Between license renewals, take the initiative to learn about different aspects of new construction, including how to buy new construction, new building designs, zoning laws, and mortgage refinancing. This might not help you maintain your license but it will help you stay current in the field.

Step 4: Network, Join Associations, and Earn Certifications

Developing a strong network is very important for a new construction realtor. Join professional organizations like the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) to connect with industry professionals and builders. Focus on builder reps, as they will be the main point of contact. 

National Association of Home Builders for new construction homes and new construction realtors

These organizations sometimes offer certification programs to help new construction realtors improve their sales skills.

Step 5: Understand the New Construction Real Estate Market

Research the specific dynamics of new construction homes in your area, focusing on:

  • Pricing trends
  • Neighborhood developments
  • Features and amenities that attract buyers to new construction homes
  • The types of buyers interested in new construction homes
  • Understanding the future of new construction so you can anticipate and prepare for market changes.

Step 6: Position Yourself as an Expert

Establish a brand persona highlighting your specialization in new construction homes to attract builder clients and home buyers. You can do this through Google ads, email marketing, social media or a YouTube channel. 

Step 7: Find a New Home Builder and Work Closely with Them

Develop relationships with home builders who align with your market and business interests to secure opportunities. The ideal scenario involves you bringing them a real estate lead generation system and they providing you with access to marketing and a sales team. 

Partnering with Home Builders: What You Must Know

Partnering with home builders as a new construction realtor is a win-win situation. It helps you expand your business while providing builders with the expertise and real estate lead generation systems to sell new construction homes efficiently.

To create successful partnerships, you should:

  • Finding Reputable Builders

It is essential to identify and partner with reputable home builders. Look for credible local builders who are known to build quality homes in a market where you already have a presence.

Research builders' portfolios by combing through their websites, attending industry trade shows and making contacts in real estate groups. Then, match their profiles and needs to your services and offerings to see if there’s a fit. 

Negotiating Contracts

The contract is the most essential part of any agreement with the builders. As a new construction realtor, ensure you are comfortable with the contract terms and conditions. Some areas to focus on and negotiate include

  • Commission Rates
  • Marketing Efforts
  • Sales incentives
  • Sales targets
  • Timelines

  • Work on Your Collaboration Skills

Collaboration is the backbone of a successful partnership to sell new construction homes. As a new construction realtor, it is vital to inform the home builder of any developments as you generate real estate leads and work with potential homebuyers.

For example, if a particular new construction home isn't attracting enough interest, discuss adjustments that could be made, like pricing changes or adding features that buyers are seeking. You can also suggest investing more in Google Ads or other real estate marketing strategies.

  • Adopting Effective Marketing Strategies

Effective marketing strategies are essential for new construction realtors because they bridge the gap between builders' offerings and buyers' needs. These strategies increase the visibility of new construction developments and help you target and engage potential real estate leads who are interested in buying a new construction home. 

Here are some marketing strategies to adopt:

Google Ads

Google ads for real estate agents are targeted advertisements that only display for a specific group of users, such as first-time homebuyers or someone looking to move to your market. This can serve as a prolific real estate lead generator that’s trackable and scalable.

Google Ads for real estate. Home for sale in Manhattan, NYHere are some more tips for Google Ads for real estate agents:

  • Ad campaigns highlighting the benefits of new construction homes, such as modern designs and customization options, can attract real estate leads actively searching for specific features. 
  • Use demographic targeting to adjust your ads based on age, location, and income, ensuring that they reach the most relevant audience. 
  • Monitor ad performance regularly to tweak keywords and optimize spending for the best results.

Social Media and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Building a solid online presence is crucial for real estate lead generation. Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to share high-quality images and videos of new construction homes.

Video marketing for real estate. A virtual tour on a phone that's on layouts of a home.

Here are some real estate tips for SEO and social media:

  • Share market updates and testimonials from your satisfied clients. 
  • Employ SEO tactics by optimizing your website content with relevant keywords such as "new homes for sale in [area]", "custom homes in [area]", and "new construction homes in [area]”. By incorporating relevant keywords, you can organically drive more high-quality traffic and real estate leads to your website.
  • Regularly updating your blog with helpful buying tips, market trends, and neighborhood features can improve your site's ranking and attract organic traffic.

Digital Assets for Real Estate

Include virtual tours and interactive floor plans of model homes on your website to reach buyers who cannot visit in person. Showcase a new construction development through virtual tours that can compel potential buyers to open houses to generate interest and real estate leads. Promoting these showcases through e-mail campaigns and social media ads can expand your online visibility.

Implementing all these real estate tips will not only create long-lasting relationships with builders but will also connect you to more potential homebuyers looking to buy a new construction home.

Become a New Construction Realtor

To become and grow as a new construction realtor, you must go beyond basic licensing requirements. You must develop a deep understanding of the real estate and new construction industries and your specific markets. 

It is advisable to position yourself as an essential partner in the growing new construction market. You can do this by having a presence in the relevant market and a successful real estate lead generation system in place.

Building relationships with home builders and mastering innovative online marketing strategies can secure a profitable niche in this expanding and lucrative field.




What education do I need to become a new construction realtor?

A bachelor's degree is helpful, especially in business or construction management. But a real estate license is essential.

How do I find builders to partner with?

Start by attending local real estate trade shows, joining builder associations, and networking in professional real estate groups. Look for local builders online, visit ongoing project sites, and have a well-prepared portfolio of your sales history, and real estate lead generation strategy with data, and services.

Is it essential to be a member of professional organizations to be a new construction realtor?

It's not compulsory, but participating in organizations like the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has many benefits, such as networking and learning.

Which marketing strategy is the most effective for new construction homes?

Effective marketing strategies for new construction homes include leveraging Google Ads for real estate, maintaining a solid social media presence, and using SEO techniques to attract organic traffic. You can also provide virtual tours of model homes to get quality real estate leads.

What are the main challenges in new construction real estate? 

Some of the common challenges are market fluctuations, communication between builders and buyers, and adjusting to new construction trends.