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Video Editing for Realtors

$497 FREE

This course is about learning the basics of video editing, asking the right questions & everything in between. Learn how to create and edit video content that gets leads. 

12 Videos

Video Editing Basics for Realtors

Organization and Export Settings

Advanced techniques + Examples

Edit from the Script

& much More!

or learn on the app

Download Agent Launch in the App Store
Agent Launch in the Google Play Store

Video Editing for Realtors

$497 FREE

This course is about learning the basics of video editing, asking the right questions & everything in between. Learn how to create and edit video content that gets leads. 

12 Videos

Video Editing Basics for Realtors

Organization and Export Settings

Advanced techniques + Examples

Edit from the Script

& much More!

or learn on the app

Download Agent Launch in the App Store
Agent Launch in the Google Play Store

What are the advantages of learning Video Editing?

Video Editing skills empower realtors to create visually appealing and compelling content, helping them to differentiate themselves in a competitive market and connect with clients in a more meaningful way.

Video Editing Course Screen 1
Video Editing Course Screen 2

Who is the ideal candidate for this course?

Ideal for real estate professionals and marketers seeking to enhance property marketing, this course accommodates all experience levels. Whether you're a hands-on entrepreneur, property manager, or tech innovator, mastering video editing sets you apart, boosting online visibility and creating visually stunning property presentations.


What is the significance of the first few seconds in a video, and how does it relate to user engagement? 

Just as a user's attention is crucial in the first few moments of interacting with a Google ad, the initial seconds of your video are paramount. Most viewers decide whether to continue watching a video within the first 5-10 seconds. Therefore, grab their attention quickly with visually appealing and relevant content. 

Video Editing Course Screen 3

Video Editing

Hook Your Viewers

Open with a captivating scene, a surprising visual, or a thought-provoking question. This can create curiosity and encourage viewers to keep watching.

Concise Messaging

Clearly convey your message early on. Avoid lengthy intros and get to the point. Make sure viewers understand what the video is about and what value they'll gain from watching.

Brand Presence

Incorporate your brand early in the video. This helps in brand recognition and ensures that even if viewers don't watch the entire video, they still get exposed to your brand.

Who this is for

If you're a realtor feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin with content creation, this course on video editing is for you.

Create compelling and cost-effective videos

Attract high-quality leads

Be in control of your marketing strategy and budget

Improve your online visibility

Video Editing for Realtors

Learn how to create and edit video content that gets leads. 

Enroll now

$497 FREE

What's inside

12 Videos

Video Editing Basics for Realtors

Organization and Export Settings

Advanced techniques + Examples

Edit from the Script

& much More!

Video Editing Course Laptop Screen