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Generating Real Estate Leads in a New Market FAST

By: Rob Shapiro

July 15, 2024

An image of a detailed blueprint with various strategies and steps for breaking into and thriving in new real estate markets.

Are you a real estate agent who recently relocated to a new area? Discover the blueprint for successfully breaking into and thriving in new real estate markets.

Understanding Market Dynamics Before Entry

Entering a new real estate market requires a comprehensive understanding of local market dynamics. Start by researching the economic indicators, housing trends and consumer behaviors specific to the area.

Analyzing historical data, current market conditions and future projections can provide valuable insights into the market’s potential for growth and profitability. This will show you where to start generating real estate leads for your new business.

Don’t forget to identify the unique characteristics and needs of the local population (are there a lot of seniors looking to downsize, renters looking to buy their first home, etc.) as well as the level of competition and the presence of any market gaps that can be filled. This will help you target and convert qualified leads effectively.

Another critical component is understanding the local culture and community. Real estate is not just about property—it’s about the lifestyle of living in the neighborhood. Engaging with community leaders, attending local events and becoming a familiar face can help in gaining an insider’s perspective on the market. This grassroots approach can be instrumental in identifying the nuances that might not be apparent through data alone.

Developing a Localized Digital Marketing Strategy

To succeed in a new market, real estate agents must tailor their digital marketing efforts to local audiences and those looking to buy in the area. 

This means creating a digital marketing strategy that resonates with the area’s demographics and aligns with regional behaviours and preferences. Researching a new area beforehand is paramount. You can do so by looking up demographic information and housing market data, reviewing community groups on Facebook (a treasure trove of information), speaking with the locals and meeting with some of the region's established real estate agents. If your competitors aren't willing to talk, seek out some retired agents who were successful in your new market.

Implementing email marketing campaigns can be an effective way to stay connected with potential local leads. Establish a strong online presence with a website and project pages and active social media profiles to brand yourself, communicate your overall real estate expertise (even if you lack specific market knowledge) and showcase listings effectively once you have some in the hopper.

A computer showing a real estate landing page with a form. In front of it is a phone with a form on it.

While not as effective as digital marketing tactics like Google Ads, networking with local businesses, sponsoring community events and collaborating with other professionals in the area can also generate real estate leads. These partnerships expand your sphere of influence and provide valuable exposure while also demonstrating a commitment to the local economy and can lead to referrals.

Building Strategic Partnerships and Networks

Building a robust network is key to establishing a foothold in a new real estate market. Real estate professionals can form strategic partnerships with local lenders, attorneys, home inspectors and other service providers to help streamline the process for clients, enhance the overall experience and make you more attractive to real estate leads. It’s also beneficial to connect with local real estate associations and attend industry events to stay informed about market trends and to network with peers.

Cultivating relationships with past clients and encouraging them to provide testimonials is a powerful way to build credibility and trust with potential new clients. Offering exceptional service and fostering a reputation for reliability can lead to word-of-mouth referrals, which are invaluable in any market.

If new construction projects are happening in your relocated area, then your best effort should be made toward developing relationships with those home builders. This can provide you with leads or incentives to sell their new construction projects. Reach out to builder reps to get the conversation started and lay the groundwork for a partnership.

Generating Real Estate Leads After Relocating to a New Market

Agents relocating to a new market need targeted real estate leads in the area and they need them fast. Here are two real estate digital marketing tactics to start using today: one to fill your pipeline with local leads and another to push them closer to becoming clients.

Generating Real Estate Leads with Google Ads

When it comes to real estate marketing and generating targeted real estate leads in a new area, Google Ads is a game-changer.

By leveraging the power of online paid advertising, real estate agents can reach potential clients who are actively searching for properties in the area. With Google Ads, agents can target specific regions, demographics, interests and search terms to ensure their ads are seen by the right audience at the right time.

If you’re wondering what Google Ads budget to start with, we recommend clicking the image below and watching this video that explores how much you should spend every month for online leads.

A man holds up a phone that reads "360k GCI". Next to him is text, "-1,500/mo" and above him it reads, "ONLINE LEADS".By crafting compelling ad copy and utilizing strategic keywords, agents can drive traffic to their websites and capture leads effectively. This digital marketing strategy not only increases visibility but also allows agents to track and analyze the performance of their ads to optimize campaigns for maximum results.



Nurturing Real Estate Leads with Video Drip Campaigns

Video drip campaigns have become a powerful tool for nurturing real estate leads in today’s competitive market. By incorporating engaging video content into their lead nurturing strategy, agents can effectively capture the attention of potential clients and keep them engaged throughout the process as they move closer to signing on the dotted line.

These campaigns can also provide valuable information about the home-buying process, helping to educate first-time buyers.

A laptop with a PowerPoint for "Market Analysis 2024" and a BombBomb video message featuring a woman with curly hair. These personalized video messages can showcase properties, provide valuable information, and establish trust and rapport with real estate leads. By delivering specific and personalized videos at strategic intervals, agents can stay top-of-mind with their audience and ultimately convert leads into loyal clients.

Video drip campaigns also offer a unique opportunity to showcase properties dynamically and interactively, making them an essential component of a successful real estate digital marketing strategy.

Ready to start using video drip campaigns or adding videos to your lead nurturing emails? Check out BombBomb, a video marketing platform. 

Leveraging Technology and Data Analytics

In today’s digital age, leveraging technology and data analytics is essential for real estate agents entering new markets. Utilizing real estate CRM software can help manage client relationships and streamline operations. Data analytics tools can provide insights into buyer behaviors, market trends and pricing strategies, allowing agents to make informed decisions and personalize their services.

Embracing virtual tours and 3D modeling can differentiate an agent’s service offering and meet clients’ evolving expectations. Investing in technology can also lead to increased efficiency and productivity, freeing up time to focus on what matters: closing deals.

Work With Home Builders and Focus on New Construction Projects

New construction projects are on the rise in most markets and it’s often a lucrative opportunity for realtors relocating to a new area. 

By partnering with local home builders, agents can tap into a thriving market segment and offer clients the opportunity to customize their dream homes. New construction projects provide agents with unique selling points and allow them to showcase the latest trends and innovations in the industry.

Collaborating with home builders can also lead to valuable partnerships, referrals and a competitive market edge. By shifting the focus towards new construction, agents can differentiate themselves and attract clients looking for modern, customized homes that meet their specific needs and preferences.

Navigating Legal and Regulatory Challenges

Every real estate market has its own set of legal and regulatory requirements, and agents must become well-versed in these local laws and regulations. The National Association of Realtors provides guidelines and policies that can help agents navigate these complexities. This includes understanding licensing requirements, zoning laws, fair housing regulations and tax implications. Staying compliant not only protects the agent and their clients but also builds a foundation of trust and professionalism.

It’s beneficial to work with a local real estate attorney or legal advisor to navigate complex transactions and ensure that all documentation meets the necessary legal standards. Keeping abreast of changes in legislation and participating in continuing education can also help agents maintain their expertise and offer the best advice to their clients.

Partner with an Industry Expert

Partnering with Agent Launch, a top real estate lead generation agency, can help any realtor looking to break into new construction markets. By leveraging our paid advertising expertise and innovative online marketing strategies, agents can access a steady stream of targeted real estate leads in their desired area.

With a focus on digital marketing tactics such as Google Ads and video production, Agent Launch helps realtors establish a strong online presence and connect with potential clients effectively.

By working with Agent Launch, real estate agents can navigate the challenges of entering a new market with confidence and drive leads to their pipeline fast.


How to lead gen in real estate?

Here are some real estate lead generation strategies that agents in new markets must try:

  1. Run targeted Google Ad campaigns for your new area
  2. Maintain an active social media presence
  3. Use email marketing campaigns with video
  4. Develop local relationships
  5. Build strategic partnerships

How many leads do you need to generate?

Calculate your close rate by dividing your total number of leads over a specific period by the number of clients that came from those leads. Next, divide the number of customers you need by your close rate to calculate how many leads you need to generate.

Is generating real estate leads hard?

Generating real estate leads is one of the toughest parts of being a realtor, especially when relocating to a new market. Automating your process with a real estate CRM and utilizing digital marketing tactics like Googe Ads is your best best to generate quality leads fast.